Most times we get angry when we hear the negative comments people say about us, either to us or behind our backs.  Now, it’s normal to be angry and defend yourself  but sometimes it would be good if we could think through them because they may be right.

You can be a better person if you listen to what people say about you regardless of how it was said. They may be seeing something you haven’t yet observed about yourself.

Though sometimes some people will only speak bad about you because they don’t like you, and to that I would say ignore, there are others who genuinely have your best interest at heart and may be saying something you should pay attention to. Listen to the right people and hear what they are really saying about you so you can be a better person.

Sometimes the holy spirit speaks to us about ourselves when reading the bible. He can point out certain things about yourself you an change and He can also use others around you. Pay attention to what is being said to you most times if you want to be a better person.