Ephesians 2:10 NLT
For we are God’s masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago.
NLT: New Living Translation

Have you ever been confused as to what to say when asked to describe who you are? Have you ever waited to think through who you are? Are we satisfied with what we know about ourselves?
As believers, the only way we can know more about ourselves is to go to our maker. A manufacturer is the perfect person to ask about the item he made. God knows what went into the making of man. He alone knows your worth. He knows what you can do and cannot. God knows how to preserve and take care of you. He is the only person that trully knows us.
Who is God saying we are?
God’s word is the best place to go seek answers. In Genesis 1:26 , God says we are made in His image as in we were made like him. John 4 : 24 says God is spirit, in other words we are spirit but we have a body to rule here on earth. This takes us back to our theme verse, Ephessians 2: 10 ‘ we are God’s masterpiece’.
We need to remind ourselves of who we are because it is so easy to look at the other way and think we are only what we see when we look in the mirror. The mirror only reflects what the mind knows about us. Know more about yourself by knowing more about God through His word. His word is filled with more about our identity.
So who am I?
I am beautiful and fearful. I am the glory of God. I am made for a divine purpose so I am never useless. 1Peter 2: 9 confirms that God chose me for Himself to reveal his glory. As his masterpiece, I am everything he says I am. I will not limit myself by my physical appearance or by the standards of the world because I am more than what is seen. I have power in me, greatness in me and I am strong in my spirit.
You need to know this and more about yourself in order to have a good relationship with yourself and then with God.
You will never live beyond what you think of yourself.
Joyce Meyer
Now, who really are you?
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